• 这部在歌舞片发展早期拍摄的影片,堪称是当时最为奢华的好莱坞巨制。影片由后来被誉为“爵士之王”的保罗·怀特曼领衔主演,还请到了一众歌舞名手。片中的内容取自百老汇的经典演出,通过名家和管弦乐队的出色演绎,为观众感受爵士年代风情提供了一次珍贵的机会。影片在当年获得了奥斯卡最佳艺术指导奖。2013年,它还被美国国会图书馆列入国家电影目录。
  • 8个身份不同且互不相识的陌生人在同一时间醒来,发觉自己身处在一个立方体形状的房间内,没有人记得他们是怎么来到这的,也没有人知晓自己身处何方。几个人经过调查发现,立方体的上下左右四个面各有一道门,联通着另外一处相同的立方体,而不同的只是各个房间内的机关陷阱。整个建筑的结构仿佛一个布满危机的魔方大厦,并且充斥着现代科学难解的超自然现象,8人历尽千难万险,陆续有人横遭不测,究竟谁才能从噩梦中挣脱?本片是小成本高口碑加拿大科幻惊悚片《立方体》(又名异次元杀阵)时隔四年后的续集,由好莱坞B级片王者狮门影业制作发行。影片延续了前代的故事架构,并进一步的引入了四维空间的概念,使得电影整体风格更加抽象和奇特。
  • The origins of the Justice League are explained as Detective John Jones and Batman try to discover what the 'Centre' is, Superman and Wonder Woman are soldiers for the United States Army, Flash is trying to live in a world were special agent King Faraday is hunting him and Hal Jordan has been selected to go with Task Force X to Mars.
  • John Wood left the pieces of a broken civilisation behind, to go back to his roots in the woodland, after a virus pandemic struck the world. Residing in a simple cabin, he only wants peace and to live in harmony with nature. Coming from a long line of timber men, he joined the army and served as a soldier for many years. Rebelling against his superiors for killing civilians under martial law. John feels he got his own wife killed when saving hundreds of innocent civilians from certain death. His wife executed point blank as retribution for John's disobedience and supposed heroic acts. Now, a young woman named Maria Johnson has escaped a pandemic research lab. She's been part of experiments to find a cure for the still raging virus. Carrying the potential cure in her blood, she is hunted by profiteers and mercenaries who knows her secret. Coming upon John's cabin in the woods, Maria is instinctively taken into shelter by John. He wants her to recover fast and leave, but by learning her.
  • 亨利·罗斯(亚当·桑德勒)是个典型的花花公子,他最擅长的事就是以不同的身份,让美女迷恋上他,并在事后,迅速从关系中脱身。身为夏威夷海洋馆的兽医,亨利有着无尽的浪漫情怀来感染到此休闲的美女,这一次他看上了在餐馆独自用餐的露西(德鲁·巴里摩尔饰)。他们在一起谈天说地,用百吉饼搭建小房子,笑声不断。亨利对女孩恋恋不舍,相约明晨再次一起用餐。然而,第二天清晨,当亨利热情的与露西打招呼时,露西却宛如陌生人一般冷淡。原来女孩由于车祸患上了奇怪的短期记忆丧失症,记忆永远停留在车祸的前一天。情圣亨利遇到了自己的难题,他坠入的情网,却爱上一个不断对爱情失忆的女孩儿……
  • 传染

    After the accident, Rebecca discovers herself in a very different world than she remembers. Plagued by her patchy memory and self-doubt she fends for herself. She encounters Gary who tells her a terrifying story of his escape from the local jail. Can Rebecca trust Gary Can she cope with what she learns Can she survive in the world of the 'Infected'. Infected is a short horror film.
  • After the death of their adoptive mother, a shy butcher and his drama queen twin sister leave the UK and adventure to Australia in search of their biological mother, but the local townsfolk of Two Heads Creek are hiding a dark secret the pair must reconcile their differences to fight for their lives in this playfully dark comedy-horror.
  • Jacob Chandler is just an ordinary man with an extraordinary gift. The epitome of the accidental exorcist, Jacob and his nephew Liam have forged a career clearing demons from the bodies of their clients. Of late, something has changed as possessions increase and Jacob fights to keep those he loves safe, the burden weighing heavy on his shoulders. When his path crosses with Liam's new girlfriend, Atalie Carlisle, he recognizes something in her dark, broken gaze. She too can see the damned. Jacob never expected to meet anyone else like himself, nor did he anticipate needing her help. When summoned to a hauntingly beautiful homestead with a tragic past, Jacob must call upon all his experience and Atalie's untrained powers, to uncover the layers of demonic deception at play. Death is here, and it will do anything to be free. Inspired by actual events.
  • 从前从前,在一座森林边缘的小镇里,住着人小鬼大的蒙面三宝,他们骑着越野摩托车,在蜿蜒的林间小径中恣意穿梭。当装备上手、弹药填充,转眼之间,新型游戏机就偷窃成功。原以为接上电视插上插头,就可以欢天喜地打电动,没想到电视竟被重感冒的妈妈用密码上锁,唯有美味蓝莓派才能换得妈妈松口。为了打游戏,三名顽童即刻出动,一场蓝莓派的战争就此展开!