• 三兄妹齐聚乡下为母亲Hélène(Edith Scob 饰)七十五岁生日庆祝,一家三代子孙满堂其乐融融。饭后母亲却对长子Frédéric(查尔斯·贝尔林 Charles Berling 饰)提及到自己死后如何处理遗产的事情,Frédéric有点烦躁,不愿母亲提起这个话题。然而Hélène坚持把所有的物件下落安排好,她告诉儿子这间祖屋将会卖掉,她用一生去尊敬的叔叔、画家保罗的的画作又该如何处理等等,Frédéric则坚持这件屋子将会被保留下来,留给孩子们去传承下去。几个月后,Hélène去世,一直在巴黎生活工作的Frédéric希望能保留祖屋,然而即将举家迁往中国工作的弟弟Jérémie(杰瑞米·雷乃 Jérémie Rénier 饰)和即将去纽约结婚组织家庭的妹妹Adrienne(朱丽叶·比诺什 Juliette Binoche 饰)因为不会再回到巴黎而赞成把祖屋卖掉。一切都如母亲所说的一样。Frédéric无奈地接受并着手处理事情。在屋子出手的最后一个月,Frédéric的孩子们在祖屋开了一个盛大的派对,青春在这里上演,对祖辈感情的传承也许将以另一种方式延续下去。
  • As the film opens on an Oklahoma farm during the depression, two simultaneous visitors literally hit the Wagoneer home a ruinous dust storm and a convertible crazily driven by Red, the missus' brother. A roguish country-western musician, he has just been invited to audition for the Grand Ole Opry, his chance of a lifetime to become a success. However, this is way back in Nashville, Red clearly drives terribly, and he's broke and sick with tuberculosis to boot. Whit, 14, seeing his own chance of a lifetime to avoid growing up to be a cotton picker all my life, begs Ma to let him go with Uncle Red as driver and protege. Thus begins a picaresque journey both hilarious and poignant.