• 凯恩继续追查手提箱核弹一案,但是他感觉中央情报局内部有人似乎刻意阻止他查案,凯恩感觉时间紧迫,很快他与老友组建了一支新的特工小分队,由他一手训练,指挥。终于他们在手提箱到达幕后买家手里之前阻击了这场交易。凯恩知道真正的死亡降临了,前所未有的接近……
  • While on a hunting trip in the isolated wilderness, a father and his adopted teenage son are turned into the prey of unknown assailants. They are unexpectedly joined in their fight for survival by a stranger who reveals the disturbing truth about the son's biological father, an international crime lord, and why that crime lord has sent trained assassins to kill the teenager.
  • 执迷不悟的缉毒局(DEA)特工科尔(Cole)为了寻找他的前妻,冒险潜入墨西哥黑社会蒂华纳(Tijuana)帮派,他认为前妻被一名正在竞选公职的垄断巨头绑架。