• 大盗张彼德(刘德华)得知生命只剩四周时,决定为死于黑道老大(李子雄)之手的父亲报仇,为此他精心设计打劫了黑道老大的运输公司隔壁的财务公司,并挟持人质引来因得罪上级被转调文职的高级谈判专家何尚生(刘青云)。何尚生在同张彼德展开追逐时,虽屡战屡败,却渐了解到黑帮老大实则借助运输公司做非法走私珠宝的生意,于是同张彼德化敌为友,携手同黑帮势力展开了斗智斗勇的游戏。而张彼德在逃避何尚生追逐的过程中无意结识女孩梁婉婷(蒙嘉慧)后,在生命的尽头获得一份浪漫奇缘。
  • 两名受社会边缘化的妇女最终成为犯罪嫌疑人,他们刚刚清理了犯罪现场。
  • 剧团导演正在与舞者们排演弗兰明戈舞蹈版的《莎乐美》,预演排练,分工调度,各抒己见。终于,这场致命的绝伦之舞上演了。美艳性感的少女莎乐美(阿伊达·戈麦兹AídaGómez饰)的母亲希罗底(卡门·维莱那CarmenVillena饰)原本是希律王(帕科·莫拉PacoMora饰)的嫂子,在杀害自己丈夫后改嫁希律王。施洗约翰(哈维尔·托卡JavierToca饰)为此谴责了她,希罗底怀恨在心。施洗约翰试图阻止这段婚姻,被希律王困于狱中。情窦初开的莎乐美在施洗约翰面前跳起充满崇拜之情的示爱之舞,却遭到拒绝。在希罗底的怂恿下,莎乐美在希律王面前跳了一段妖魅赤裸的七层纱之舞,希律王大悦,答应满足莎乐美提出的一切请求。莎乐美淡淡地说,请把施洗约翰的头颅放在盘子里,拿来给我。本片改编自英国19世纪最富盛名的剧作家奥斯卡·王尔德的同名戏剧作品《莎乐美》,将《圣经·新约》中那段纠缠在极端与扭曲中的危情虐恋,在极度精美而极富形式感的画面与光影中,狂舞不止,直至死亡。
  • 暗战

    大盗张彼德(刘德华)得知生命只剩四周时,决定为死于黑道老大(李子雄)之手的父亲报仇,为此他精心设计打劫了黑道老大的运输公司隔壁的财务公司,并挟持人质引来因得罪上级被转调文职的高级谈判专家何尚生(刘青云)。何尚生在同张彼德展开追逐时,虽屡战屡败,却渐了解到黑帮老大实则借 助运输公司做非法走私珠宝的生意,于是同张彼德化敌为友,携手同黑帮势力展开了斗智斗勇的游戏。而张彼德在逃避何尚生追逐的过程中无意结识女孩梁婉婷(蒙嘉慧)后,在生命的尽头获得一份浪漫奇缘。
  • 肥猪

  • José Luis (Quim Gutiérrez) just has been stood up in the altar and, if that’s not enough,Mari Carmen (Carmen Machi), his persistent mother, has blinded herself on go with him on his honeymoon, with the excuse of not wasting the money. Every minute that they spend together in Mauritius, José Luis is feeling more unhappy and washed-up. Meanwhile, Mari Carmen is having the time of her life, living all the experiences that she has always wanted and revealing herself as the wonderful woman she really is and that nobody in her family can see.
  • Eric and Quentin, hosts in a children's show, are at the peak of their television careers. On a night that is a little too crazy, they drink too much and do a little rubbish. Unfortunately, someone films their exploits and broadcasts the video over the Internet. It's bad buzz, the dreaded phenomenon for a public figure. Their producer gives them 48 hours to restore their image, otherwise they will be fired. The more the duo tries to get by, the more they accumulate blunders, as during the funeral of Quentin's grandmother.