• 三个月

  • Set in Dublin Glassland tells the story of a young taxi driver (Reynor) who gets tangled up in the world of human trafficking while trying to save his mother (Collette) from addiction.
  • It is the year 2022. A mysterious systems failure causes the crew of a spaceship to be stranded on the dark side of the moon, while rapidly running out of fuel and oxygen. They are surprised to discover a NASA space shuttle floating in space, and board it in the hope of salvaging some supplies....
  • 某制药集团招聘试验最新药物的临时工,薪资诱人,一些迫于经济压力的大学生前往应聘。谁知在注射了这种药物后,部分人出现了幻觉,能提前预见将要发生的事,其中一人甚至预见了他们即将死去。与此同时,一个潜伏在大楼里的杀手正在接近他们,执行死亡判决。更恐怖的是,杀手总是提前知道他们下一步要做什么。在内有索命恶魔,外有铺天暴雪的重重困境中,他们能否挣脱必死的命运?而那个潜伏杀手到底是谁?杀人动机是什么?帅不帅?是否有什么不幸的童年?